ABOUT THE CD CONTENTS This CD, in response to reader requests, contains the original, uncorrected images for many of the exercises in the bookÕs text. Generally, these images are at lower resolutions than is required for reproduction at the size they are printed; however, this will not change the effectiveness of the curve and blending methods shown in the book. Chapters 1, 10-13, and 15 donÕt emphasize correction techniques to the extent that the others do. Accordingly, no images are enclosed for these chapters. Before attempting to follow along with these files, consider using your own images, particularly in Chapters 2-5. The techniques discussed in those chapters work well with just about any picture. Later in the book, many tricks are illustrated that work well in certain cases and not so well in others. It therefore starts to make more sense to use the enclosed images, particularly in Chapter 16, where the concepts are somewhat difficult. Where the correction illustrated takes place in CMYK, this disk provides a CMYK file that is, except for resolution, the same file that produced the uncorrected version in the book. Where the correction takes place elsewhere, normally the CD file is in LAB. This is to avoid problems caused by different definitions of RGB Working space. If you need to make a correction in RGB, you should convert the file from LAB into RGB yourself, which will compensate for this problem. If the file on this CD is provided in RGB, it means that the source of the image is unknown. Thus, you have to guess at what sort of RGB definition will work best for itÑjust as you would have to guess in real life. These images may not be used for any purpose except to test the techniques of this book. For further details, read the attached license.txt file. This disk contains four PDFs that cover certain areas that are of great interest to certain users, but not to enough people to warrant their inclusion in the book proper. Three of these are direct pickups of chapters from the previous edition of this book, Professional Photoshop 5. Two of these pertain to the major color changes between Photoshop 5 and previous versions. The instructions in the book on how to adopt current color settings for Photoshop 6 assume that you are currently using Photoshop 5.x. If that isnÕt the case, if you are upgrading from Photoshop 4 or earlier, you need to review these two chapters. PP5_Chapter2.pdf introduces the concepts and offers a quick way to configure the color settings to match those of Photoshop 4. It also goes into calibration of the printing process in somewhat more detail than the current book does. Converting_from_PS4toPS5.pdf goes into much more detail about the changes in the settings, which were very controversial at the time. How_CM_Failed.pdf is a magazine article I wrote a year after Photoshop 5 came out, explaining how the problems with the new features resulted in a fairly emphatic rejection of them. Duotones_and_spotcolors.pdf used to be a full chapter in the book, covering all manner of multitones as well as how to cope with more than four colorants. There were no changes in Photoshop 6 that would affect the validity of this information. Dan Margulis November, 2000